He is a bravest teacher, the revolutionary teacher, and a big philosopher in the world ever known. The world was known him by Socrates. He lived in Athens. He was poor. But he loved teaching a great deal. Indeed needed he taught for love of wisdom not for money. He did not just tell his pupil what hr thought they should do, in fact he was found of thing that he himself knew nothing, instead he would ask them endless question about what they thought and believe. By this way, the pupils feel they had worked it out for themselves.
Socrates thought that person who is master of himself is really free because he / she destined first knowing about his / herself. He also taught that to his students to be courageous. As courageous person, someone will be really freedom. No body can encounter his / her action. Socrates himself always felt free when he taught his follower until he was detested by the government of Athens. For this reason they accused him taught and invited them to think radically and release their religion when in fact Socrates is a very religious person.
Finally, his enemies was cursed Socrates and he was sentenced to death by the government was told to drink a deadly poison. At the time of drinking the poison, he was very quiet as quiet as a drink in a banquet whereas the students and his followers were very worried and scared. Now, because his thoughts, he became great person in this world who never missed his name is called by the philosophers and non-philosophers. He is really a great wise man.