Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009 | 0 comments

Kemarin aku dapat tugas membuat essay. namanya orang gak bisa, jadi aku membuat sebisa mungkin tapi tetap saja hasilnya banyak salahnya. nih aku posting. koreksi yach....


Writing is one of five English capability—listening, reading, speaking, writing, translating—that is student have to learn it in their study. In writing, all of student competence was integrated. It is product that shows aptitude student. So, writing is the important one—besides speaking—of English capability. But, most of us countenance many complexities in this subject, such as; grammar, get stuck, and vocabularies.

Grammar is the mind struggle in arrange word to sentence. It is bringing me go all out think stiff to produce sentence in my blank paper. It’s different when I used my mother language. I can write fluently without thinking about grammar. I can enjoy my writing and be able to produce many writing. You can look for it in my blogsite,

The beginner is difficult. This sentence is appropriate to me. When I get start to compose lose my words. All of my experience is vanishing. My mind is blank. No thing to found there. No idea I catch. Even I force myself to do it just I drop few.
English is foreign language that is why most of us have problem in produce vocabularies when starting in composing essay despite of our grade is in high level. Moreover, we have no writing habit. One of novel author said that habitually have effect to build our writing excellent.

End close, writing is no easy to whom unspecific in this case. Grammar is must in writing. Mastering vocabulary is ought to for provide a good sentences. Writing needs experiences, skill, habit and serious. Serious and habit are important requires to compose good essay. Without experience and skill our writing is tasteless also colorless.

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